Complete papers and experience reports

Tuesday - October 27th


Theme 1: Social and complementary currencies for development purposes

Complementary currencies and the global economy? Peter Brass (session coordinator)

Complementary Currencies and Capital Investments - Rolf Schroeder

Financing for development: a monetary issue in which money does not have a word - Tristan Dissaux

Theme 2: Impact and results of social and complementary currencies (Room 2)

History of the Community Exchange System (CES) and Australian Timebanking - Karel Boele (session coordinator)

Spice Impact Measurement: Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk - Booth Becky

Theme 3: Contextual differences and lessons from experiences (Room 3)

La sustentabilidad de uma moneda social a partir de la gestion estrategica de su respaldo: reciprocidad, redistribucion... Orzi Ricardo (Session coordinator)

Do it together! Co-creation, activating citizens and social cohesion in Samen-Doen - Lydwien Batterink, Edgar Kampers, Judith van der Veer

Experience Report: Community Currencies in Action EU Project - Leander Bindewald

Theme 4: Typologies, models and innovation (Room 4)

D-CENT: Freecoin Toolchain Design and application to Pilots - Marco Sachy (session coordinator)

A unified transactional model for integrating centrally issued currencies and mutual credit systems into the same software platform - Jorge Zaccaro

Simulation and Gaming as Tools for Designing a Community Currency System- Masayuki Yoshida and Shigeto Kobayashi

 Wednesday - October 28th


Theme 1: Social and complementary currencies for development purposes (Room 1)

Monedas sociales veinte años despues: reflexiones críticas y pistas para el futuro a partir de la experiencia de Argentina. Heloísa Primavera (session coordinator)

Contestations and contradictions in the Argentine Redes de Trueque - Georgina Gomez and Joop de Wit

Moedas Sociais e desenvolvimento: uma discussão teórica (Social currencies and development: a theoretical discussion) - Henrique Pavan Beiro de Souza and Ramón Garcia Fernández

Theme 2: Impact and results of social and complementary currencies (Room 2)

Local Mutual Credit as a Socioeconomic Tool for Farmers in New York State's Hudson Valley: Assessing the Possibility and Practice - Andrew Bonanno (session coordinator)

Mutual Aid Networks: Redesigning Work for a Cooperative, Regenerative Economy - Stephanie Rearick

 Trust and Spending of Community Currencies in Kenya - William Ruddick

Theme 4: Typologies, models and innovation (Room 4)

Just Multiple Moneys? The Case for Boundaries as the Constitutive Characteristic of CC - Rolf Schroeder (session coordinator)

The Appearance and Development of Community Currency in Japan - Yoshihisa Miyazaki and Ken-ichi Kurita

Classifying non-banking monetary systems using web data - Ariane Tichit, Clément Mathonnat and Diego Landivar

15:30 – 17:00pm

Theme 1: Social and complementary currencies for development purposes (Room 1)

Could a scaling up of a time currency type of money be used in order to reduce work time, enlarge participatory democracy and redistributive wealth? Bruno Théret (session coordinator)

El uso de la moneda social como estrategia para la construcción de la Paz, el fortalecimiento de la Justicia social ... (The use of the social currency as a strategy for peace-building, the strengthening of social justice and harmonious relationship and integral with the creation) - William René Criollo Ramirez

Why do diversity and differentiation of community currencies of developed and developing countries arise in globalized and deindustrialized capitalist economy? Makoto Nishibe

Theme 3: Contextual differences and lessons from experiences (Room 3)

Social innovation institutionalization: the paradoxical negotiation of institutional voids. The case of French local and complementary currencies - Bruno De Menna (session coordinator), Delphine Gibassier and Diane Laure Arjaliès

Implementation of a modern Barter exchange system in Bulgaria: from an objective necessity to an objective performance - Rossitsa Toncheva

 Conflitos em torno da pluralidade econômica e monetária. O diálogo entre os Bancos Comunitários de Desenvolvimento (BCDs) e o sistema financeiro nacional - Ósia Vasconcelos

Theme 4: Typologies, models and innovation (Room 4)

The Iconomy of Creative Currencies in the City of Knowledge: a Transmonetary Approach - Gilson Schwartz (session coordinator) and Diego Viana

How to Manage Source-Pump and Cost-Push Institutional Systems (Exploration and Defence) - Zsuzsanna Eszter Szalay and Csaba Vass

Notas para una propuesta de dinero-crédito descentralizado y basado en la reputación. Susana Martín Belmonte.

Thursday - October 29th


Theme 1: Social and complementary currencies for development purposes (Room 1)

Configurações e usos das Moedas Sociais no Banco Comunitário Dendê-Sol (Fortaleza-Ceará-Brasil) (Configurations and uses of Social Currencies in Community Bank Dendêsol (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil) – Victoria Paiva (session coordinator)

O papel das moedas sociais nas feiras de economia solidária e seu papel no desenvolvimento regional (The role of social solidarity economy coins in trade fairs and its role in regional development) - Alane Amorim Barbosa Dias, Fabiane Correia da Cunha and Tiago Vinícios Araújo

A importância das moedas sociais nas feiras de economia solidária: um estudo de caso (The importance coins of social solidarity economy shows: a case study) - Fabiane Correia da Cunha and Alane Amorim Barbosa Dias

Theme 2: Impact and results of social and complementary currencies (Room 2)

Contrasted cases. Successes and failures of local currency schemes in France since 2010 - Fare Marie and Jérôme Blanc (session coordinator)

Impact of complementary currency for sustainability: an integral approach - Christophe Place

Os desafios da governança democrática nos serviços financeiros: a experiência dos bancos comunitários de desenvolvimento no estado da Bahia (The democratic governance challenges in financial services: the experience of development community banks in the State of Bahia) - Leonardo Prates Leal

Theme 3: Contextual differences and lessons from experiences (Room 3)
Ecosistema monetario catalán (Catalan monetary Ecosystem) - Jordi Flores Domínguez (session coordinator)

Monedas comunitarias en México y Argentina. Algunas comparaciones (Community Currencies in Mexico and Argentina. Some comparisons) - Eugenia Santana

Monedas alternativas y agricultura urbana en el tianguis trueque de la Magdalena Mixihuca, México, Distrito Federa (Alternative currencies and urban agriculture in barter tianguis Mixihuca Magdalena, Mexico, Distrito Federal) - Victor Méndez-Fuentes, Miguel Samano-Renteria, Edilene Portilho-Santos, Edgar Méndez-Fuentes and Berenice Méndez-Fuentes

Theme 4: Typologies, models and innovation (Room 4)

Marketing das moedas sociais: quais valores aportam para os usuários e para a economia social e solidária? - Miguel Yasuyuki Hirota (session coordinator)

Psychological factors influencing the use and development of Community Currencies - Carmen Smith and Alan Lewis

Artists as Bankers, Currency as Art - Lenara Verle




(A) Site visit information: VIVETUR  is a community based tourism enterprise. It is part of the solidarity economy local network of Matarandiba. This is a community innitiative that promotes a touristic experience for its visitors within the village. We are organizing a field visit in Matarandiba to learn about its experience in social currency and community bank. The field visit will be on Friday, October 30th. We will depart from Salvador early morning (about 8am) to the Island of Itaparica and return to Salvador early evening (abour 6pm).

There are 40 slots available. To guarantee your spot, please, send the payment to Magno’s email <> by paypal system. The tour costs 170 Reais (USD 45). The package includes:

a)      Round trip transportation to Matarandiba (45 min by boat and 55 min by Van)

b)      Translation into English

c)       Welcome breakfast

d)      Visit to the local solidarity economy associations

e)      20 Reais worth of Conchas (the local social currency)

f)        Traditional lunch (based on fish and shellfish)

g)      A guided walk on the Pontal trail

h)      A local boat tour

i)        Cultural presentation (Samba de Roda Voa Voa Maria)

j)        Afternoon snack

If you have a flight before 22:00h on Friday 30th, we suggest you not to attend the field visit.

(B) Exchange Club: we are getting excited about meeting all of you at the conference in one week. We are writing to invite you all to participate in the Exchange Club that will operate on Thursday, 29th. How does it work ?

a) Participants bring as many item as they want in good condition to exchange.

b) Participants will exchange theirs item for a social currency called AXÉ. Each item has a value of one AXÉ.

c) On Thursday, 29th we will open the Exchange market for you to trade AXÉ vis a vis item in the market.

We hope you interested in participating ! Don't forget your items. It should be great go back to your country with something from new friends for remind them.

If you have more questions about the field visit or the exchange club, contact

Registration and payment guidelines

The local Organizing Committee decided to mantain the minor fees payment. PLEASE, CONSIDER THE CONFERENCE FEES AS SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW.

In order to proceed your registration and payment, please:
1) Access your account in the conference website. If you don't have an account yet, you may create it by accessing the link.

2) Once having your login and password, click in the link and fill the correspondent form.

3) Choose the payment mode according to the CONFERENCE FEES TABLE available in our website. 

4) Proceed your payment by PAYPAL system. Click on DONATE button below. ATTENTION: make sure that you are registered in paypal system. If you are not, access the paypal website ( and create your account.

5) After we receive the confirmation from the PAYPAL system, we will send to you an email confirming your registration. Please, note that during the PAYPAL process you have to address your payment to Magno's email. Magno is part of our organizing team and he is in charge of the conference financial issues. The Magno's email is: <>

We would like to notice you that soon the general program of the conference will be on our website.

We look forward for meet you here, in Salvador, Brazil.

Conference Fees and Other Information


Conference Fees

To determine the number of days and budget that you need during the conference, please refer to the “other costs” table here: Salvador costs 2015


Complete papers and Experience reports must to be uploaded on the conference website by September 30 , 2015, using your login and password as a new submission

See the  Model submission for complete papers and experience reports

Reminding you the call for paper

The complete paper should include: Proposal title ; Authors and short biography ; Abstract ; keywords ; Expanded content. The complete paper must be no more than 25 pages with 1.5 spacing, 12 pt font (including references, tables, figures, notes etc). The experience reports can be uploaded as a power point presentation.

 Formats: scientific articles or experience reports. Proposals and complete papers can be presented in two formats: scientific article (which is common in scientific conferences) or experience reports. Experience reports open up space to share knowledge gained from the real life experiences of social actors (individuals, social organizations, governments, social movements etc). The focus of experience reports is not theoretical but rather context (social, cultural, economic, environmental, political etc). Reports can focus on procedures, field methodology, results, impacts, challenges, difficulties or others practical aspects.

See again the call for papers

Call for paper_English ; chamada de trabalhos - Portugues ; Llamada de trabajos - Espanôl


Salvador picture - Mercado Modelo

Mercado modelo

Organizing Committee

Ariádne Scalfoni Rigo (Federal University of Bahia - Brazil)

Genauto Carvalho de França Filho (Federal University of Bahia - Brazil)

João Joaquim de Melo Neto (Instituto Palmas - Brazil)

Juliana Braz (University of São Paulo - Brazil)

Georgina M. Gómez (Erasmus University Rotterdam - Netherlands)

Jérôme Blanc (Université Lumière Lyon 2 - France)

Carlos de Freitas (FMDV - Global Fund for Cities Development)

Incubator Solidarity Economy and Territorial Development Management at the School of Administration (ITES - EAUFBA) Team ( 

Submission Details

1)    Proposals should be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish through the website by May 4th , 2015

2)    Complete papers will be uploaded on the conference website by September 21st 2015

3)    The abstract and the complete paper must be attached as a Word document. The abstract should be between 2-4 pages. The complete paper must be no more than 25 pages.

4)    The abstract should be submitted with the file Model Submission (Abstract)

4.1      Proposal identification   

                                         i.    Proposal title

                                        ii.    Proposal theme (see themes suggested by Organizing Committee)

                                       iii.    Proposal format (scientific article or experience report)

                                      iv.    Information on each author: full name; full title; affiliated institutions; country; email address.

4.2  Proposal content

                                       v.    Main purpose of the paper (research question, main goals, etc)

                                      vi.    Theoretical framework (except for experience report)

                                     vii.    Research methodology (for empirical papers only)

                                   viii.    Results, implications and/or discussions

                                    ix.      References


 5)    The complete paper should include

  1. Proposal identification (see item 4.1)
  2. Short biography of each author (100 to 150 words)
  3. Expanded content (see item 4.2)
  4. The following in three languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish)

                                         i.    Proposal title

                                        ii.    Abstract (approximately 300 words)

                                       iii.    Three keywords


  1. The complete paper must be no more than 25 pages with 1.5 spacing, 12 pt font (including references, tables, figures, notes etc)
  2. The experience reports can be uploaded as a power point presentation


Formats: scientific articles or experience reports. Proposals and complete papers can be presented in two formats: scientific article (which is common in scientific conferences) or experience reports. Experience reports open up space to share knowledge gained from the real life experiences of social actors (individuals, social organizations, governments, social movements etc). The focus of experience reports is not theoretical but rather context (social, cultural, economic, environmental, political etc). Reports can focus on procedures, field methodology, results, impacts, challenges, difficulties or others practical aspects. 

Themes suggested by Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee suggests some general themes for papers, however proposals do not need to be limited to these suggestions. Proposals do need to have discussions relevant to social and complementary currencies. The committee suggests the following:

1)    Social and complementary currencies for development purposes such as: local development and sustainability; local production, responsible consumption and social cohesion; articulation and plurality of socio-economic actors (global, regional or local networks); social and solidarity economy dynamics (the plurality of economic forms; the potential management of common goods and collective resources, etc)


2)    Impact and results of social and complementary currencies such as: experiences and methodology of impact evaluation; qualitative and quantitative results; evaluation indicators etc.


3)    Contextual differences and lessons from experiences such as: learning from experiences and designs (structures) of social and complementary currencies; legitimacy and legal recognition of community currencies; complementary currencies and global crisis; monetary contestations; challenges and critical aspects etc.


4)    Typologies, models and innovation such as: proposal theoretical models and typologies to complementary and social currencies; detailing designs and operating rules; complementary and social currencies and social innovation, social technology etc.

Call for Papers

If you lost the deadline to send abstracts and would like to do it, send us an email:

See the Complete Call for Paper in Portuguese

See the Complete Call for Paper in Spanish



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